Recreation and Tourism Commission

Recreation and Tourism Commission created.

There is hereby created a commission to be known as the Shady Cove Recreation and Tourism Commission. Its primary purpose shall be to assist and advise the City of Shady Cove in planning and developing recreation and cultural programs, and boost tourism.



The mission of the City of Shady Cove Recreation and Tourism Commission is to provide high quality, diverse, and accessible programs, services, and events that enhance the quality of life for all ages, and maximize tourism generating opportunities for the City.


General duties and responsibilities.

The Recreation and Tourism Commission is an appointed body with the primary responsibility of providing recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on direction, planning and policy on matters pertaining to recreational and cultural programs, and to make such other recommendations to assist the Council in developing and preserving aesthetic, recreational and cultural values that serve the public interest. It shall also perform such other related duties as may be assigned by the Council, which may include, but not be limited to:

A.  Compile data to assist City policy making in the preservation and beautification of existing parks, the City’s downtown, and other aesthetic areas in the City of Shady

B.  Make recommendations to the City Council on potential revisions and future delivery of services by the City of Shady Cove as they pertain to existing parks, recreation and tourism.

C.  Work in conjunction with other City commissions, boards, or committees to help ensure coordination of various elements of recreation and cultural programs.

D.  Conduct public meetings and make recommendations to the City Council on recreation, cultural programs and tourism issues.

E.  Make recommendations for capital improvements and operations relating to the City of Shady Cove's recreation, cultural programs, and tourism.

F.  Review and comment on fund-raising efforts and donations made on behalf of the City of Shady Cove's recreation, cultural programs, and tourism.

G.  Foster public awareness and involvement in all aspects of the City of Shady Cove's recreation, cultural programs, and tourism.


Membership – Compensation.

The Recreation and Tourism Commission shall consist of five members to be appointed by the City Council. Commission members shall receive no compensation.


Terms of office – Vacancy.

Terms of office shall be for a period of two years and shall expire on December 31st of the second year. Any vacancy shall be filled by the Council, for the unexpired portion of the term.



The Recreation and Tourism Commission shall, at its first meeting of each calendar year, elect from its appointed members a chair, vice-chair and secretary.


Duties of chair and vice-chair.

The Chair shall preside at all meetings and set the agenda. The vice-chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair. The Chair or vice-chair shall preserve the decorum at the parks and recreation meetings.



The secretary shall keep an accurate record of all Recreation and Tourism Commission proceedings. A copy of the record shall be delivered to city hall for filing and available for public inspection.


Quorum – Meetings – Rules and procedures – Number of meetings.

Three Commissioners shall constitute a quorum. The Recreation and Tourism Commission shall adopt rules and procedures consistent with City ordinances and this chapter. The Commission meetings shall include at least one regularly scheduled meeting per month, unless canceled at the direction of the Chair due to lack of Commission business or other good reason. Meetings may be run informally in accordance with the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order or in accordance with the City of Shady Cove Commission, Committee and Volunteer Bylaws.


Removal from Commission.

If a member of the Recreation and Tourism Commission should, without valid reason, miss three regular Commission meetings within the same calendar year, that member shall be subject to removal from the Commission. In addition, a Commissioner may be removed for misconduct. This removal process may be initiated by the City Council or by a recommendation from the Recreation and Tourism Commission.



Five Commissioners shall be appointed each for a two-year term


Committee_Rules_General Final November 2023


Agendas & Minutes

102220 Planning Commission Workshop

Agenda 10 22 20 PC Workshop Please advise us if you plan on attending the Workshop by Thursday the 22nd at 10 am as we may need to set this…

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102920 Emergency Mgt Comm Meeting

102920 Emer Mgt Comm Meeting

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101520 Regular City Council Meeting and Public Hearing Agenda

101520 Regular City Council Meeting and Public Hearing Packet

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100820 Planning Commission Workshop

Agenda 10 08 20 Planning Commission Workshop Please advise us if you plan on attending the workshop by Thursday the 8th at 10 am as we may need to set this…

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100620 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting

100620 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting

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100120 City Council Regular Meeting (to be held Telephonically)

100120 City Council Regular Meeting Packet

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092420 Planning Commission Public Hearing

Agenda 09 24 20 PC PH If you know that you will attend, please send an email to  before September 24th at 10 am.

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091720 City Council Regular Meeting held Telephonically

091720 City Council Regular Meeting

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091020 CANCELLED Planning Commission Public Hearing

Notice of Cancelled PC PH 09 10 20

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