021023 Events Committee Meeting

Shady Cove Library 22477 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

021023 Events Committee Meeting Agenda

021623 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

021623 City Council Meeting Packet Public Comment Card https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87670568614?pwd=Rk9DUjQ2WU9oM1Z3Njh1bWFVZVNrZz09 Meeting ID: 876 7056 8614 Passcode: 672239 One tap mobile +13462487799,,87670568614#,,,,*672239# US (Houston) +16694449171,,87670568614#,,,,*672239# US

022323 Planning Commission Public Hearing Agenda

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

022323 PC PH Agenda Packet https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84506452539?pwd=RTJoL2RxWm1PdEJreCttUXI2RlM3UT09 Meeting ID: 845 0645 2539 Passcode: 540493 One tap mobile +16694449171,,84506452539#,,,,*540493# US +16699006833,,84506452539#,,,,*540493# US (San Jose)

030223 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

030223 City Council Regular Meeting Packet https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88203004247?pwd=NzE4UDBkNE5ibDFwMHpoN01xZVNiZz09 Meeting ID: 882 0300 4247 Passcode: 804812 One tap mobile +12532158782,,88203004247#,,,,*804812# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,88203004247#,,,,*804812# US (Houston

030923 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

City of Shady Cove 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR

03 09 23 PC Meeting Agenda Packet https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89718332457?pwd=NzM3a1VTZnZLYnBzbkg2SEZrMDQwUT09 Meeting ID: 897 1833 2457 Passcode: 687619 One tap mobile +16694449171,,89718332457#,,,,*687619# US +16699006833,,89718332457#,,,,*687619# US (San Jose)

031623 City Council Executive Session

City Hall 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR

031623 City Council Executive Session Not Open to the Public. Doors will be opened after this session. No decisions will be made in Executive Session.  

031623 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

031623 City Council Regular Meeting Packet https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83258602336?pwd=dzNXcUxqV2JYVGI5VDZPcW16L0JOZz09 Meeting ID: 832 5860 2336 Passcode: 999164 One tap mobile +13462487799,,83258602336#,,,,*999164# US (Houston) +16694449171,,83258602336#,,,,*999164# US

032323 Planning Commission Public Hearing Agenda

City Hall 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR

032323 Planning Commission Public Hearing Packet https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83252815475?pwd=c1F0cHRUY1UyQzBxckdTNW4wa3pYQT09 Meeting ID: 832 5281 5475 Passcode: 038632 One tap mobile +12532158782,,83252815475#,,,,*038632# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,83252815475#,,,,*038632# US (Houston)

040623 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

040623 City Council Regular Meeting Packet https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82619150534?pwd=c3JzUGxETzNBMU9vaXB6SWhKSThlZz09 Meeting ID: 826 1915 0534 Passcode: 462170 One tap mobile +16699006833,,82619150534#,,,,*462170# US (San Jose) +17193594580,,82619150534#,,,,*462170# US

041323 Planning Commission Public Hearing Agenda

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

041323 Planning Commission Public Hearing Packet https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89110227382?pwd=a0hKSUN4bmVzM1FNNXppV202MTJidz09 Meeting ID: 891 1022 7382 Passcode: 620357 One tap mobile +13462487799,,89110227382#,,,,*620357# US (Houston) +16694449171,,89110227382#,,,,*620357# US