030724 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

030724 City Council Regular Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83050131230?pwd=K3MrY0JHVU5zT2RzdzdwTlJKVi9HUT09 Meeting ID: 830 5013 1230 Passcode: 471127 +16699006833,,83050131230#,,,,*471127# US (San Jose) +17193594580,,83050131230#,,,,*471127# US

031424 Planning Commission Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

031424 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda https://zoom.us/j/99031753391?pwd=YVV5T1JsOGF6dEp2UGNiU3pBa1NHQT09 Meeting ID: 990 3175 3391 Passcode: 097511 One tap mobile +12532158782,,99031753391#,,,,*097511# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,99031753391#,,,,*097511# US (Houston)

URCC 29th Annual Chili Cook-off & Dessert Auction

Upper Rogue Community Center 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR

URCC 29th Annual Chili Cook-Off & Dessert Auction Saturday: March 16, 2024 Time: 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Location: 22465 Hwy, Shady Cove, OR. Cost: $5.00 or $15.00 Family (4)(includes chili samples, cornbread & toppings) Beer & wine will be available for purchase Vote for your favorite chili Bid on desserts 50/50 raffle Fundraising Event…


032124 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

032124 City Council Regular Agenda https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83097605861?pwd=ak1vcW1GNkk1MWtxakgyNjhJMUMrZz09 Meeting ID: 830 9760 5861 Passcode: 962368 +12532158782,,83097605861#,,,,*962368# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,83097605861#,,,,*962368# US (Houston)

032824 Planning Commission Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

032824 PC Meeting Agenda https://zoom.us/j/91557125256?pwd=VENmUlFHbmlsQWI1aTk2azJPOWRwUT09 Meeting ID: 915 5712 5256 Passcode: 061628 One tap mobile +12532050468,,91557125256#,,,,*061628# US +12532158782,,91557125256#,,,,*061628# US (Tacoma)

040224 Notice of Potential Quorum for Meet and Greet with new City Administrator Applicants

SC Library and Zoom Shady Cove, OR, United States

040224 Notice of Potential Quorum Meet n Greet There may be a quorum of the Shady Cove City Council at a Meet and Greet for new City Administrator applicants, Tuesday, April 2, 2024 starting at 11:30 AM at the Shady Cove Library. No voting will be done and no decisions will be made. THE PUBLIC…

040424 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

040424 City Council Regular Agenda https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86778212542?pwd=NGIybWVvaGo3VE5xTnJ5K1VXUERyUT09 Meeting ID: 867 7821 2542 Passcode: 861612 One tap mobile +13462487799,,86778212542#,,,,*861612# US (Houston) +16694449171,,86778212542#,,,,*861612# US

Shady Cove Town Hall, Sheriff’s Contract, Safety Fees & Budget Items Tuesday, April 9

Upper Rogue Community Center 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR

IMPORTANT TOWN HALL MEETING: Shady Cove is at the tipping point with regard to continued funding of our Sheriff contract. Our taxes/fees cover only half of what it costs; and next year will be worse. We cannot continue on this path. Be part of the solution. Attend, bring your ideas, and let’s figure this out…


041124 Planning Commission Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

041124 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda https://zoom.us/j/99344732174?pwd=ZzJmOWhzTVhnVDM4Uy9WTG5yZkVDQT09 Meeting ID: 993 4473 2174 Passcode: 263104 One tap mobile +16699006833,,99344732174#,,,,*263104# US (San Jose) +17193594580,,99344732174#,,,,*263104# US


Trail Christian Fellowship 18881 OR-62, Eagle Point

Come join us Saturday, April 13th at Trail Christian Fellowship for the annual ITALIAN DINNER! For this event, you will be served a gourmet menu consisting of Anti-pasto, salad, bread, a vegetable, Chicken Marsala, Sun-dried tomato & basil orzo, dessert and a beverage. Come hungry! Two seatings are available: 5pm and 5:45pm. The seatings are…


041524 City Council Special Meeting

SC Library and Zoom Shady Cove, OR, United States

021524 City Council Special Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88238818845?pwd=RDl2QUNKeWRYdHpqbWE5WU8rL3dMQT09 Meeting ID: 882 3881 8845 Passcode: 050562 +16694449171,,88238818845#,,,,*050562# US +16699006833,,88238818845#,,,,*050562# US (San Jose)

041824 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

041824 City Council Regular Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81983458645?pwd=RFZzWmlMRzl3c0wxdEZZSVBaMXZqQT09 Meeting ID: 819 8345 8645 Passcode: 240551 +17193594580,,81983458645#,,,,*240551# US +12532050468,,81983458645#,,,,*240551# US  

042224 City Council Special Meeting – City Hall and Zoom, 5 PM

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

042224-City-Council-Special-Meeting Updated meeting room https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88353850154?pwd=QkJYMHVWUVpRUllnU2NVQ3NycEgzQT09 Meeting ID: 883 5385 0154 Passcode: 813633 +16699006833,,88353850154#,,,,*813633# US (San Jose) +17193594580,,88353850154#,,,,*813633# US