091423 Planning Commission Public Hearing

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

091423 Planning Commission Public Hearing Agenda https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89879961227?pwd=cFI2TWxURXJkMVJCL21laFo1U1R4UT09 Meeting ID: 898 7996 1227 Passcode: 646826 One tap mobile +12532158782,,89879961227#,,,,*646826# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,89879961227#,,,,*646826# US (Houston)

091923 City Administrator Selection Committee’s Meeting

Shady Cove Library 22477 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

091923 City Administrator Selection Committee Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85152551384?pwd=aUo0UHl4a1RFam5HajhHZktHOWF0QT09 Meeting ID: 851 5255 1384 Passcode: 417866

092123 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

092123 City Council Regular Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81805273491?pwd=a3NQL0JlL05zZHR2SG9YYzRWWGh4dz09 Meeting ID: 818 0527 3491 Passcode: 841211 +16694449171,,81805273491#,,,,*841211# US +16699006833,,81805273491#,,,,*841211# US (San Jose)

No Talent Talent Show

71Five Youth Center 25 Erickson Ave, Shady Cove, OR, United States

This is a youth activity for the community to come and enjoy some entertainment. The youth will be showcasing their talent/no talent for the chance to win the top prize.…

Shady Cove 51st Birthday Celebration

Aunt Caroline's Park 22451 HWY 62, Shady Cove, Oregon

Happy Birthday to Shady Cove!!! Please join the City of Shady Cove for a fun afternoon celebrating the City's 51st birthday. Local DJs Brewski and Red Beard will entertain us…


092823 Planning Commission Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

092823 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86135119213?pwd=dklKWnVxdWRVSy9vZ2kvUXFvVUllZz09 Meeting ID: 861 3511 9213 Passcode: 621581 One tap mobile +17193594580,,86135119213#,,,,*621581# US +12532050468,,86135119213#,,,,*621581# US

092923 City Council and CA Selection Committee Mtg

SC Library and Zoom Shady Cove, OR, United States

092923 City Council and CA Sel Comm Mtg Agenda https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87894865984?pwd=ZzFRaUFsbnFiNUVwWFRQUlErWE5zZz09 Meeting ID: 878 9486 5984 Passcode: 069063 +13462487799,,87894865984#,,,,*069063# US (Houston) +16694449171,,87894865984#,,,,*069063# US

100523 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

100523 City Council Regular Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82495484790?pwd=cFFyREVscUMxeUhSL2E4Zms5UUtzZz09 Meeting ID: 824 9548 4790 Passcode: 708006 +12532050468,,82495484790#,,,,*708006# US +12532158782,,82495484790#,,,,*708006# US (Tacoma)

Fall into Astronomy

Shady Cove Library 22477 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

Join us on a cosmic journey that seeks to explain the mysteries of solar & lunar eclipses and the entire cosmos from the very small to the very large. This…


100923 Emergency Management Commission Meeting

City Hall 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR

100923 Emergency Management Commission Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82822494221?pwd=SGhITXdITkdjcDV6cGFId2Z3L0ttUT09 Meeting ID: 828 2249 4221 Passcode: 272922 One tap mobile +12532158782,,82822494221#,,,,*272922# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,82822494221#,,,,*272922# US (Houston)

101123 Shady Cove Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Commission Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

101123 Parks. Recreation, and Tourism Comm Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82077381021?pwd=Yzl4Nng4alJ1d0lzRTQycnE3aFlqdz09 Meeting ID: 820 7738 1021 Passcode: 609167 One tap mobile +16694449171,,82077381021#,,,,*609167# US +16699006833,,82077381021#,,,,*609167# US (San Jose)

FREE Small Business Support Group (Upper Rogue Community Center)

Upper Rogue Community Center 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR

Upper Rogue Community Center from 6 PM - 8 PM, Friday the 13th of October FREE small business networking and support group. First of regular meetings. Join the conversation about…


Shady Cove Scarecrow Decorating Contest

All Shady Cove Homes and Businesses Shady Cove, OR, United States

Let’s deck out Shady Cove in Scarecrows! Between now and October 14th, Shady Cove residents and businesses are invited to create a scarecrow harvest theme in their yard or place…


101923 City Council Regular Meeting

City Hall and Zoom 22451 Hwy 62, Shady Cove, OR, United States

101923 City Council Regular Meeting Agenda https://uda.sharefile.com/d-saf9b5498b14f42c39df10fd59b20e3f7 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87028398992?pwd=eTUxNlp2c0FjTDVSQnJHOC9yMThFUT09 Meeting ID: 870 2839 8992 Passcode: 369173 One tap mobile +16699006833,,87028398992#,,,,*369173# US (San Jose) +17193594580,,87028398992#,,,,*369173# US

1st Annual Shady Cove Gourd Carving Contest

Shady Cove School Gym Cleveland Street, Shady Cove, OR, United States

Attention all budding artists: Shady Cove Parks, Recreation & Tourism Commission is hosting the 1st Annual Gourd Carving Contest, Friday, October 20th at 5:30 at the school gym (as part…
