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Shady Cove Volunteers kicked into full swing in May, helping Jackson County Parks to address some latent maintenance issues at the Upper Rogue Regional Park. With tools, paint supplies and muscle, the group swept thru the park rebuilding the rotted picnic tables, weed whacking, trash pickup and bbq pit cleanout. When the crew was done, the park looked loved. Note: Due to a lack of supplies, there are 2 tables still to be rebuilt. These will be restored once the supplies arrive.
As Mayor Jon Ball stated, “the hard work of volunteers is very much what Shady Cove brings to everything”. So cheers to the great volunteers of Shady Cove!
If you would like to be part of this great team helping to beautify Shady Cove (weeding, sweeping, painting, handyman services, coordinating volunteers, etc, etc), please sign up via the City Website (under the Commissions & Committees; Volunteering tabs). Together we can make Shady Cove a City we are all very proud of.
Special thanks to our volunteers on this project –
Kathy Nuckles
Mary Pulcini
Jeff Pulcini
Steve Nuckles
John Edwards
Scott Hatch
James Weidman
Volunteers for All Events are needed.
Got a few free hours each month? Want to meet new friends? Want to leave a lasting positive mark on this city? If YES, then we’ve got an opportunity for you! Throughout its existence, Shady Cove has relied heavily on volunteers to help City Hall “get things done”. It is thanks to these individuals that Shady Cove can not only comfortably exist, but also thrive and even have fun! Sadly, at present, our volunteer base is extremely lean, and this is having a negative affect on some of Shady Cove’s critical services. If you have some free time and feel that you can contribute in these areas, please apply! Not sure what these positions entail? Please contact City Hall and they can answer any questions you may have, but in summary:
Application for Commission or Committee 2023
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