City Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was a Huge Success!

The City showed its appreciation for all of its volunteers Friday night at Mac’s Diner.

Awards were given out to two people recognizing them as Citizens of the Year.  Mary Pulcini and Bob Wade received the awards.  Mayor Ball gave out two awards as some years none were given. Bullee Dog Signs received an award for Business of the Year.

In addition to Mayor and Council, notable dignitaries such as Sheriff Sickler, County Commissioner Roberts, and State Representative Emily Mcintire attended the dinner to congratulate everyone.

Heather, the owner of Mac’s Diner, and the staff of the restaurant, put together an great feast.

If you’ve been here for years, you may know, but to the surprise of many, there is an inground pool there.

City Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was a Huge Success!

City Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was a Huge Success!

City Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was a Huge Success!
